7 Reasons For An Etsy Planner

7 Reasons For An Etsy Planner | Forever Bebes

7 Reasons Why You

Need An Etsy Planner

Starting and working on an Etsy shop is a lot of work. It takes planning and projecting your goals to be successful. One of the ways to stay focused on opening your new Etsy shop or re-vamping an unsuccessful shop is to have a planner specifically for your shop. A place to write down your ideas, plans, goals, and successes can better help you to see the big picture of your shop.

Here are seven reasons why you should use an Etsy shop planner for your shop success.

1. See the Big Picture

Writing down what you want to accomplish and the steps needed to accomplish those goals will help you see the big picture.

Sometimes we can get bogged down in the small to-do lists but the items on that list won’t actually help with your ultimate goals.

For example, if your goal is to make $100 dollars in your first month on Etsy you need to realize that that is the end goal and you need mini-goals and then a to-do list and then a weekly or daily to-do list. A lot of people just write down the end goal and that is a good start but you need to know how you are going to get there.

2. Everything in One Place

When I first started my Etsy shop I would use pieces of notebook paper and sticky notes to write down my ideas, notes, and goals. Anything I could find including my phone note app.

I would eventually lose some of those pieces of paper and forget I had notes on my phone.

It’s always best to keep a notebook or a planner to keep all your ideas, goals and needed to-do list.

7 reasons why you need an etsy planner.jpg

3. Project Your Etsy Goals

Another way that this planner can help you is that it prompts you to make yearly, monthly and weekly goals with tasks. Without creating goals for your business you won’t know what to do next for your Etsy shop. You won’t know what tasks you need to accomplish to get to the point where you want to be.

You might be working on something that won’t generate you any sales or traffic or may not be doing anything at all.

The best way to create a successful shop is to work on it and set goals.

Etsy Printable Planner | Forever Bebes

4. Makes You Think Actively Think About Your Shop

Buying the Etsy Planner definitely helps to actively think about your shop. It will make you write down the steps and tasks that will evidently help you open your shop, redo and keep track of it.

This planner has income and expense sheets for each month which will help you track your sales, gains, and losses.

5. Writing Goals Down Helps To Follow Through

Writing down your goals does really help to actually accomplish them. Whether having a to-do list or detailed tasks to complete something will help you easily see what you need to do. I personally love checking off items on a checklist or task list.

The best practice is to set aside some time to write down your yearly, monthly, and weekly goals with daily tasks.

I promise you that writing down your goals will solidify what you want out of your Etsy shop.

This Etsy planner has yearly, monthly and weekly worksheets to write down your goals.

Etsy digital planner

An Etsy printable planner for your etsy business

6. Makes You See What Areas Need Improvement

This particular Etsy Planner has a spreadsheet on branding and shipping. The branding worksheet will help you keep track of your Etsy shop branding elements such as colors, fonts, and logos.

The shipping worksheet can help you decide your shipping costs, supplies and shipping methods.

The packaging insert worksheet is where you can design the inserts you plan on including with your packages.

7. Planning Makes You Feel Good

Who doesn’t like checking off items on a list? I think we all do. It feels good when we accomplish something that is on our to-do list however small it is.

Just think how you would feel when you set out to open your Etsy shop or finally completely finish it. It is an awesome feeling.

But before we start feeling good you need to write down your goals and projections.

Etsy Printable Planner | Forever Bebes

The Etsy Planner

The Ultimate Etsy Planner includes goal planning sheets, yearly goals, monthly goals, and tasks, plus these:

  • S.M.A.R.T. Goals

  • Future Log

  • Etsy Checklist

  • Brand Sheet

  • Shipping and Packaging Inserts

  • Monthly Etsy Sales and Fees

  • Etsy Stats

  • Marketing Calendar

  • Monthly Motivational Quotes and Saying

  • and much more......

Grab the Etsy Planner now!

Etsy Printable Planner | Forever Bebes
Etsy Printable Planner | Forever Bebes