5 Non-Toxic Products For Moms

5 Non-Toxic Products For Moms

Earlier I wrote a post called 30 Minimalist Challenge for Moms and in that post, I suggested that you take a few minutes and get rid of items you haven't used and that aren't good for you.  A couple of years ago when I was trying to get pregnant I actually threw everything out, did some research on the products I was using and what to replace them with.  These are the non-toxic daily beauty care products I use that will get you started on a minimalist and healthy beauty regime. 

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30 Day Declutter Challenge

30 Day Declutter Challenge

As moms we sometimes can't find the time to organize and much less discard the items we don't need anymore.  This 30 day challenge will help to start minimizing your life and de-clutter your precious space.  There is a task for each day and all you need are trash bags.  Download the guide pictured below  and use a a guide and read the tips below. I started this minimalist journey after reading  Goodbye, Things: The New Japanese Minimalism.   It spoke about the results of being a minimalist.  Some of those results include less time cleaning, less chores, spending less money and shopping less, focusing on what is important, no more comparing yourself to others and what they have and having more time for what yo

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